luna leve

Luna Leve

Relationship status:Taken
Interested in:Guys and Girls
City and Country:United states, US
Career Status:Active
Career Start and End: to Present
Birth Place:El Salvador
Star Sign:Libra
Height:5 ft 1 in 155 cm
Weight:119 lbs 54 kg
Hair Color:Brunette
Eye Color:Brown
Fake Boobs:No
Interests and hobbies:Painting, dancing, exercising, sex
Turn Ons:Good hygiene, muscles
Turn Offs:Bad hygiene, machoism
Videos Watched:171
Luna Leve Modelhub:External Link
Official Site:External Link
FanCentro:External Link
Amazon Wishlist:External Link
Snapchat:External Link
Instagram:External Link

About luna leve

Luna Leve is one spicy babe from El Salvador, which means, The Savior, and Luna definitely saves us tons of stress by showing off her goods. When this fiery sex kitten starts to play with herself, you can practically smell her sweet vagina through your bandwidth. Luna often sports a nice matted black bush above that sluthole of hers. When she takes a creampie, you know that bush is going to get tangled in glistening cum beads. Her pussy is tight at first, but then spreads wide when she gets excited, so its like it has a split personality. That pale pink hue of her tunnel stands out so artistically against her light brown skin. The next thing you instantly notice about Luna is her tits, or, more specifically, her nips. Shes got those wide brown areolas like tea saucers, but her nipples are huge like juicy pointed gumdrops. It seems that, when Luna plays with her tits, her nipples practically stretch outwards even more, pulling her tits into one great fleshy cone. Luna is a simple girl with simple tastes, so primarily, she loves the taste of man meat. She could suck an apple through a drinking straw, or give a scrotum such a humjob that the urethra will hum in harmony. If theres one thing Luna does best, its a massive blowbang. Get this girl on her knees, surround her with throbbing boners, and watch her spin in delight, giving every boner the royal treatment until shes plastered in dick paste.