harley jade

Harley Jade

Relationship status:Single
Interested in:Guys and Girls
City and Country:Boise, US
Career Status:Active
Career Start and End: to Present
Birth Place:Boise, Idaho, United States of America
Star Sign:Capricorn
Height:5 ft 3 in 160 cm
Weight:126 lbs 57 kg
Hair Color:Blonde
Fake Boobs:No
Videos Watched:12
Harley Jade Modelhub:External Link
Official Site:External Link
Instagram:External Link

About harley jade

Harley Jade is an allAmerican honey from Boise, Idaho. She started doing porn when she was about 21 years old and she has one hell of an ass. Her giant butt is 40 inches wide, which pairs well with her trim 25inch waist and nice 34C tits. Before porn she always had a boyfriend and wasnt too promiscuous. She had always wanted to do lesbian stuff but had never been with a girl before trying it in a porn movie. Harleys first scene was girlgirl, so that was two firsts for her. She absolutely loved it and felt like that was the perfect intro to porn. She got into porn because some agents found her on Instagram and a dating site. They thought she was so hot, so they got her to do it. She wasnt sure so she thought about it for a long time before she actually did it, but how could she say no! Harley Jades favorite place for a guy to cum is right on her face, but she doesnt always get to do that. She says thats because if she is going to go out on a date to dinner right after, she doesnt want jizz to mess up her makeup! Other than that, she would rather swallow it if she doesnt want to mess up her beautiful face. Outside of porn, Harley spends a lot of time taking care of herself and going to the gym. She also loves to go tanning and pamper herself. She has been entertaining the idea of learning how to become a stripper to do featuredancing, not to mention the fun shell have traveling to strip clubs. Harley hopes to ride her career for as long as she can and stick around for a long time to come!