harmonie marquise

Harmonie Marquise

Relationship status:Taken
Interested in:Guys and Girls
City and Country:Fort Lauderdale, US
Career Status:Active
Career Start and End: to Present
Interests and hobbies:CookingSingingDanceSong WritingPoetry
Turn Ons:Confidence Success Knowledge PowerAwareness Mentorship
Turn Offs:GreedCockiness
Videos Watched:68
Harmonie Marquise Modelhub:External Link
Official Site:External Link
FanCentro:External Link
Amazon Wishlist:External Link
Snapchat:External Link
Instagram:External Link

About harmonie marquise

About Harmonie Marquise Hi there, Im Harmonie Marquise. I am a published model, dancer, choreographer, video vixen, social personality, designer, and adult film model. I made my debut in Reality Kings Bomb Booty after landing the gig for recognition through my ample butt. Shortly after I put my choreography talent to use for 2 Live Crews single Take It Off, after a successful audition where I was originally supposed to feature. Never one to sit still, I took an interest in fashion design after a successful trial run at the first annual CamCon. One of my first pieces was worn by supportive friend Mila Marx in her Ass Masterpiece scene for Naughty America. I have since then, begun working on my own line. Ive begun producing my own films and look forward to making more. New projects are underway and Im excited to have you along for the journey! Featured in Brat Perversions Angelina Castro Carmen Valentina