Payton Hall
Relationship status:Single
Interested in:Guys and Girls
City and Country:USA, US
Career Status:Active
Career Start and End: to Present
Birth Place:United States of America
Star Sign:Scorpio
Height:5 ft 2 in 157 cm
Weight:114 lbs 52 kg
Hair Color:Blonde
Fake Boobs:No
Interests and hobbies:I love anything to do with water. I wakesurf, wakeboard, have board surfed, love pools, lakes oceans and spend time in my tub or hot tub at least once a day.I love the wind and fresh air whether its walking outside, in a city, on a beach, hiking trial or on a ski lift. I can snow ski or snow board. I like being creative ....duh, am a bit of a exhibitionist . I like pilates, tarot cards and as well am a bit eccentric. I do everything over the top. I have traveled a decent amount and love cool items from unique stores. I love crystals and energy. Family is important to me and care deeply about those who are close to me.I like to be strong, I shoot guns and feel I am a bit of an athlete.
Turn Ons:Young Hard Cocks and Fit Bodies, honest straight shooting people, sarcasm, laughing and great hygiene. I love people who can banter back and forth at my energetic speed. Love people with ambition and follow through. Beauty and Creation. Freedom, Activity! Movement ! Doing Porn is a Rush where I am totally in the moment . Respect for others, live and let live. I like people whom are authentic and whom have courage to find their truth, be authentic and express it no matter what anyone thinks.
Turn Offs:The way our world wants to play into this Pandemic Drama and the helplessness and passiveness that seems to be the the New normal which is another phrase I cant stand. The situation and how its been handled is probably my biggest turn off of all time. Also turned off by people who dont catch a clue when you try to be polite but they relentless expect that you owe them your time and attention just because they want to know you. Turned off by those who hide behind social norms while at the same time being just as deviant and perverse as those of us whom actually entertain them. Guess I would say hypocrites are a turn off. Also sidetone turned off by moldy balls, unkept hair down their and lack of hygiene. Lack of boundaries.
Videos Watched:32
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